About Us

About Us

The FFRF of Georgia is a local chapter of the national Freedom From Religion Foundation. 

We are a non-religious community of local people committed to living our lives free from superstition, dogma and mysticism.  We are freethinkers – people who form opinions about religion and spirituality independent of tradition, authority, or established belief in favor of rational inquiry.

Our goal: To educate the public on matters of non-theism and protect the First Amendment – Separation of Religion from Government.

Our members are composed of Agnostics, Atheists, Humanists, Skeptics, Deists and secular-minded people still searching for answers who come from all walks of life.  The common thread we all share is that we uphold the US and Georgia Constitutional principles of separation between government and religion.

Atlanta is wonderfully supplied with many organizations which all provide many social opportunities for the local freethinkers such as book clubs, community service projects, skeptic gatherings, historical discussions, notable speakers, activist opportunities and other events. 

Thr FFRF of Georgia chapter participates and supports these types of events and encourages members looking for these social opportunities to join freethinker groups in the area.